I have what is likely an unpopular opinion in Christian circles when it comes to the Enneagram... stay away.
In all transparency, this is coming from someone who was fascinated by all things Enneagram. I thought it was the coolest thing. I took the tests, read the books, and listened to the podcasts. There was even an artist that created a song personalized towards each number. As I was doing all of this, it felt like someone had been a fly on the wall my entire life. I felt seen and understood. I also felt like I could better understand and know how to interact with people by “knowing their number.”
Let me pause for a moment, in case you are unfamiliar with the Enneagram. First, that's probably a good thing. Second, it's more or less a personality test that assigns you a number (1-9) and a wing (also 1-9). Based on the number and wing you fall under, it has a lot to say about who you are, why you are the way you are, and what makes you tick.. or ticks you off and why. As I said, I found it fascinating and was in, hook, line, and sinker.
However, as I held the words of those who were teaching on this up to the light of Scripture, red flags began to appear. The more I looked into and researched it, the more my concern began to grow. Most of everything I'd listened to or read regarding the Enneagram had come from people and even leaders in the Christian faith. People I'd deemed safe and had the least concern in being led astray by. Looking at it now, I believe that to be the most alarming aspect... the way the Enneagram has infiltrated the Church.
The Enneagram says by discovering our number, we must embark on the journey of finding ourselves in order to find our place in the world. Jesus says to deny ourselves to follow Him and that while we may be in this world, we are not of it.
The Enneagram says the better we understand ourselves, embrace ourselves, and come into our own, the better we can understand and operate in the world around us. Scripture says the best way to interact with and love others is to put on Christ.
See the differences? Whatever isn’t pointing us directly to Christ, is ultimately pulling us away from Him. There's no middle ground when it comes to God.
The desire we have to be seen, to feel known... God put that there. He is the ONLY One who can fulfill those desires. More so than any friend, family member, or even spouse.
While this is not true of all personality tests, once I landed on the discovery that the origins of the Enneagram were demonic and largely tied to New Age practices, I gathered up everything Enneagram related I owned and threw it all away.
Thank God for growing discernment and the sanctification process of the Holy Spirit. I believe, according to Scripture, this to be a lifelong process. And one I am grateful God is in control of.
I realize a lot of churches, pastors, and biblical teachers have embraced the Enneagram, perhaps even with the intention of redeeming it. I get it. I was that person and having it so visible and accepted in a church setting was part of the reason I thought it was okay. This is not me trying to shame or call anyone out. I simply didn’t know what I didn’t know and now that I do know, I want to do better.
That's also not to say I didn't benefit from the Enneagram or find it helpful for things. I did. But the closer to God I get, the more I become sensitive to the way evil masquerades as goodness, and darkness as light. I ultimately had to ask myself if it was bringing me closer to God. The answer was no, and as I said before, there's not neutral with God. If something isn't bringing us closer to Him, it's leading us away, no matter how slowly or subtly.
It’s important to remember that as Christians, our identities are not found in a number or a triangle our personality and emotions seem to fit within. Our identity is found in Christ. If you’ve been in the Enneagram world, I encourage you not to take my word for it, but look into this yourself. Look into its true origins. Most importantly, ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern!
If I can be praying for you at all, please reach out!